Marta Żemantowska
Partner, legal adviser

Marta Żemantowska

Attorney-at-law, graduate of the Faculty of Law at the University of Warsaw. Entered on the list of legal advisers at the District Chamber of Legal Advisers in Warsaw (no. WA-6474).

Before founding LUMOS ADVISORY, she gained professional experience in a number of organizations, allowing her to provide business-oriented legal services today. She has experience in a law firm that is part of an international audit group of French origin, as well as cooperating with Polish law firms and advisory groups. She also worked in the legal department of one of the largest Polish banks.

Her professional specialization includes, in particular, company law, labor law and broadly understood business law.

The subject of her special interest is the interdisciplinary combination of issues in the field of law and taxes. The largest projects she has conducted in recent years include due diligence processes, transactions of acquisition and disposal of shares, transformations, mergers and liquidations of companies, court cases in the field of labor law and administrative law. She assists clients in proceedings before the National Labor Inspectorate and the Social Insurance Institution.

Marta has gained experience in conducting training and implementing procedures. She speaks English and French.